3. Dashlink Print: Uninstall Guides for Windows and Mac

Uninstall Guides

Before installing Dashlink Print you must make sure to have all previous versions of QZ Tray or Dashlink-Print uninstalled.

Each client will need to manually uninstall QZ Tray first. The two applications should not coexist because they will fight for the same port number.

Uninstall on Windows

For Windows, the uninstall can be performed through the Control Panel/System Preferences. Please find the corresponding article on how to delete Software on Windows

After uninstalling it, please reboot your system.

Uninstall on Mac

For Mac, the app can be dragged to the recycling bin, or advanced users may wish to run an uninstall script.

You can also follow Apple’s official documentation on how to delete Software on Mac.

After uninstalling it, please reboot your system.


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